Wednesday, February 18, 2009

March 2, 2009 is the RRSP Deadline

Only 15 days to the RRSP deadline for contributions to your RRSP that you can deduct from your 2008 income.

Time is running short. If you need to consider topping up your RRSP, please call me for an appointment soon. The last week in February is very busy and I would hate to be unable to accommodate your meeting request. When you come, we can discuss investment options from the safe option to the growth option and everything between.

RRSP investing for 2009

You can also consider taking advantage of the bear market by setting up a monthly, automated investment for dollar-cost-averaging [DCA] for your 2009 RRSP contribution. This would see you buy into growth investments bit by bit without the worry of trying to pick the bottom of the market.

A new idea for this year

Given the merits of DCA, some fund companies have developed an interesting option, the "DCA fund." You can contribute to this fund now before the March 2nd deadline and collect your RRSP contribution receipt for 2008. As a DCA fund, you are buying a safe, interest-earning investment that then moves your money into balanced or growth investments bit by bit over the year ahead. This works well for clients who need to make their RRSP contribution before the deadline but don't want to invest all at once into growth investments.

These are just some of the ideas I have.

I can be reached at 403-229-0128 or by replying to this email.



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